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Front Tooth Veneers Solutions

Your teeth play a vital role in our overall health, but your smile is also your best beauty accessory. Your smile teeth are front-facing and hard to hide, so when they’re flawed, it can affect your confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, there are solutions to cosmetically improving the appearance of your smile teeth. Front tooth veneers are one of the most natural-looking and most popular solutions. But because they’re a little more costly than dental bonding, it’s important to know how they compare before you commit. Read on for more information about cosmetic solutions for front teeth, and why front tooth veneers are a clear favorite.

Dental bonding vs veneers

Cosmetic dentistry offers two main solutions for correcting and improving the appearance of the smile teeth. Although there are others, dental bonding and dental veneers are the most common. Both have their advantages, but only one provides the same radiance and translucent of natural teeth.

Cosmetic dental veneers
Dental veneers are wafer thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the surface of each individual tooth to address cosmetic and minor functional issues. The material is translucent and light-reflective in a way that mimics natural tooth enamel. The veneers are customized for size, shape, and color, to match seamlessly with the surrounding teeth. As front tooth solutions, they can be created for complete uniformity or carefully crafted with the slightest imperfections flawed for a completely natural appearance. Although dental veneers do tend to cost more at the outset, they last longer than dental bonding. Additionally, the process for applying dental veneers requires more than one visit to the dental office.

Cosmetic dental bonding
Dental bonding is a quick and affordable solution for correcting front tooth imperfections. The process involves a special tooth-colored resin material applied to the surface of the tooth to strengthen and improve the appearance. The resin is color-matched to blend with the surrounding teeth, but one drawback is that it doesn’t reflect light the way porcelain veneers or natural enamel do. Dental bonding, however, can be done in a single visit, and requires a lower upfront cost than dental veneers. Many people use cosmetic dental bonding as a quick-fix for their front teeth and then upgrade to dental veneers later.

The world sees your smile teeth every day. Although both dental veneers and dental bonding have their distinct advantages as cosmetic solutions, dental veneers are a clear front-tooth favorite because of their light-reflecting qualities.

Why porcelain veneers?

Although porcelain veneers are not the only type of dental veneers, they are the most popular. They are the strongest and longest-lasting. Porcelain veneers are also extremely biocompatible, which means they are not harmful to the surrounding gum tissue. And, again, because the porcelain is natural-looking, they provide the most beautiful radiance to the smile. Additionally, porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, very durable, have a smooth texture, and with proper care, can last for years and years.

How long do veneers last on front teeth?

When it comes to the longevity of any dental work, proper care is key. There are certain factors out of our control, such as genetics or disease, but even then the efforts we make to maintain our oral health do make a difference. It is the same with veneers. With proper care and certain precautions, dental veneers can last for decades. Here are some things you can do (and avoid) to ensure the longevity of your veneers:

  • Brush twice a day, every day
  • Use a soft toothbrush
  • Floss daily
  • Visit the dentist at least twice a year every year
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid eating hard candies and other hard foods
  • Avoid chewing on pen caps, ice, and other hard items
  • Use a straw when drinking highly stainable beverages (or avoid them altogether)
  • Get a mouthguard if you grind your teeth while you sleep
  • Find stress relief solutions if you grind your teeth during the day
  • Avoid contact sports if possible (if not, always wear a mouthguard)

In the event that a veneer does crack or stain, you can have it replaced, but if you follow precautions and take proper care of your teeth, your veneers can last for years and even decades. And remember, veneers that are adhered poorly in the first place have a higher chance of early failure. It’s crucial that you have your veneers placed by a highly experienced and reputable dentist in order to ensure maximum longevity.

Dental veneers in Rancho Bernardo | Dr. Pegah Salami

If you’re looking for dental veneers in Poway, Escondido, or Rancho Bernardo, schedule a visit with Dr. Pegah Salami. She is skilled and experienced in modern dentistry, and will provide you with excellent care using state-of-the-art dental technology to ensure your safety and comfort. Whether you need dental veneers, a routine dental cleaning, or any other dental services, Dr. Salami will keep you comfortable every step of the way.

Give us a call at (858) 673-1000 today.

Dr. Pegah Salami is an orthodontist, cosmetic dentist, sedation dentist, and Invisalign specialist. Her office is located in Rancho Bernardo and serving San Diego County. Dr. Salami is a member of several prestigious dental organizations.