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Panoramic & Digital X-rays in Poway and Rancho Bernardo

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What Is Dental Panorex (Panoramic Dental X-ray)?

Is Panoramic X-ray Required For Dental Treatments?

Dental X-Rays Safety San Diego

  • The high-speed film we use puts out very little ionizing radiation.
  • The amount of radiation the x-rays expose you to is less than the exposure the natural atmosphere emits over an eight-week span.
  • Radiograph technicians exit the room while x-rays are being taken because they take many x-rays for many patients, compounding the amount of radiation they are exposed to.

Dental X-Rays Safety San Diego

  • The high-speed film we use puts out very little ionizing radiation.
  • The amount of radiation the x-rays expose you to is less than the exposure the natural atmosphere emits over an eight-week span.
  • Radiograph technicians exit the room while x-rays are being taken because they take many x-rays for many patients, compounding the amount of radiation they are exposed to.

Why dental x-rays are critical for quality patient assessments?

  • Without x-rays, Dr. Salami might miss what is going on between, beneath, and under your teeth and gums.
  • By taking x-rays our dentist can get a clearer idea of your oral health status.
  • The radiographs also help detect problems in your existing dental work and can better identify receding bone and abscesses. Gum disease and cavities are two examples that show clear indicators or early problems when viewed on x-ray screens. Not only can x-rays help Dr. Salami diagnose dental issues, but they help when providing you with a customized dental treatment plan.

How much radiation do you get from a dental x-ray?

Units of measurement

Comparative radiation levels

Digital Dental Images San Diego

Do I Need Digital Imaging For My Treatment?

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